
监控面板用到的:nz.oceanxx.com,解析到面板服务器 ;通信用到的:nzz.oceanxx.com ,解析到被监控的小鸡,当然不打算用域名进行访问,直接用IP也行,按照项目教程很快也能完成。
创建Oauth2 应用,以供授权
在 https://github.com/settings/developers 创建应用
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| https://nz.oceanxx.com https://nzz.oceanxx.com/oauth2/callback
记录下Client ID和Client secrets,备用
1 2
| curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh sudo ./nezha.sh
1 2
| curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naiba/nezha@master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh CN=true sudo ./nezha.sh
选择1,安装面板端,参数配置一下:GitHub用户名,Client ID和Client secrets,端口可以默认,也可以自己设置,标题随意支持中文。
安装nginx debian 系统
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| # cd /etc/nginx # nano nginx.conf
添加一下代码 自定义修改域名,参考配置反向代理
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| user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/nginx.pid; include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; events { worker_connections 768; } http { sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 65; types_hash_max_size 2048; include /etc/nginx/mime.types; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; gzip on; server { listen 80 ; listen [::]:80; server_name prometheus.hk.hyhy01.com; location / { proxy_pass; } } server { listen 80 ; listen [::]:80; server_name nezha.hyhy01.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; } location ~ ^/(ws|terminal/.+)$ { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; } } }
访问 nz.idcfq.com,授权github登录哪吒监控面板,管理后台,添加主机,添加好之后记录一下密钥备用。
1 2
| curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh sudo ./nezha.sh
1 2
| curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naiba/nezha@master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh CN=true sudo ./nezha.sh
选择8,安装被控端,按要求输入配置命令,请输入一个解析到面板所在IP的域名(不可套CDN) 输入的就是通信域名 nzz.idcfq.com ,配置面板端口和密钥。
| https://api.telegram.org/bot你的TG_BOT_Token/sendMessage
- 注意请求方式一定要为POST,而且URL中不包含ChatID

参数获取说明:botXXXXXX 中的 XXXXXX 是在 telegram 中关注官方 @Botfather ,输入/newbot ,创建新的机器人(bot)时,会提供的 token(在提示 Use this token to access the HTTP API:后面一行)这里 ‘bot’ 三个字母不可少。创建 bot 后,需要先在 telegram 中与 BOT 进行对话(随便发个消息),然后才可用 API 发送消息。YYYYYY 是 telegram 用户的数字 ID。与机器人@userinfobot 对话可获得。
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| { "chat_id": "你的ChatID", "text": "# *Dooong探针警报*\n\n时间:#DATETIME#\n来自: \"#SERVER.NAME#\"\n\n*#NEZHA#*", "parse_mode": "Markdown", "reply_markup": { "inline_keyboard": [ [ { "text": "来自: \"#SERVER.NAME#\"", "callback_data": "#" } ], [ { "text": "探针仪表盘", "url": "https://xxx.com" } ] ] } }
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| { "content": "#NEZHA#", "ServerName": "#SERVER.NAME#", "ServerIP": "#SERVER.IP#", "ServerIPV4": "#SERVER.IPV4#", "ServerIPV6": "#SERVER.IPV6#", "CPU": "#SERVER.CPU#", "MEM": "#SERVER.MEM#", "SWAP": "#SERVER.SWAP#", "DISK": "#SERVER.DISK#", "NetInSpeed": "#SERVER.NETINSPEED#", "NetOutSpeed": "#SERVER.NETOUTSPEED#", "TransferIn": "#SERVER.TRANSFERIN#", "TranferOut": "#SERVER.TRANSFEROUT#", "Load1": "#SERVER.LOAD1#", "Load5": "#SERVER.LOAD5#", "Load15": "#SERVER.LOAD15#", "TCP_CONN_COUNT": "#SERVER.TCPCONNCOUNT", # 无效 "UDP_CONN_COUNT": "#SERVER.UDPCONNCOUNT", # 无效 }

- 这一款哪吒监控透明主题,比较好看,搜集自网络
- 使用方法:用哪吒的默认主题,复制下方主题代码,粘贴到自定义代码里面保存即可
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